
A Model for Policyholder Retention

By Sandra Springer November 30th, 2011

The 2011 Fronting Survey conducted by the Captive Insurance Companies Association (CICA) indicated that the number one challenge faced by its captive respondents is policyholder retention/growth. However, CICR was impressed with our findings from group captive specialist Captive Resources, LLC (CRI).

It has beaten the trend with a 98+ percent member retention rate year after year in the captives it administers (with shrinkage usually as a result of mergers and acquisitions). We wanted to know how CRI has been able to do this in the face of an extended soft insurance market and difficult and stagnating economic conditions.

CRI's Sandra Springer (Duncan) joined CICR to discuss the involvement and commitment of group captive members. Download the PDF to read the interview.

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