A stronger economy and a greater awareness of the advantages group captives can offer firms have made it a busy couple of years for Captive Resources as George Rusu, the company’s chairman, explains to Cayman Captive.
Excerpt: A better understanding and acceptance of the role of group captives, combined with an improved economy, has made the last few years the busiest ever experienced by Captive Resources, the alternative insurance specialist, in terms of the number of new members joining the firm’s existing captives, as well as several newly formed captives.
George Rusu — the chairman and chief executive of Captive Resources —says the company, and the market it operates in, has enjoyed strong growth in the past five or six years, probably the healthiest advance he can recall in the nearly 30 years since he founded the company.
“The growth in the captives we administer over the last few years is the strongest we have ever seen,” he says. “The thing that really seems to be driving it is a greater acceptance of group captives. Thirty years ago, a much more robust education process was needed around the concept.
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