Overview of Our Captive Insurance Solutions

Over 6,800 mid-sized businesses from across the U.S. have turned to Captive Resources (CRI) for a smarter solution to the insurance dilemmas they’ve faced. CRI’s group captive model — unique in the captive insurance industry — empowers companies to lower their total cost of risk, delivering tangible results that make a positive impact on their bottom line.

Read on to explore CRI’s casualty, medical stop loss, and property captive solutions.

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Casualty Captives

The majority of the group captives that we work with provide casualty coverage for their member-owners, including workers’ compensation (WC), general liability (GL), and automobile (auto) coverage, across a broad range of industries.
Hands stacking wooden blocks with medical icons

Medical Stop Loss Captives

We offer five Medical Stop Loss group captives to provide companies the flexibility to tailor health benefit programs to their unique needs. Click on the link to learn more about the Medical Stop Loss captives that we support.
Property Captive Option

Property Captive

CRI offers a property captive insurance solution that closely follows our casualty captive model, with a few modifications. This captive is available exclusively to members of casualty captives supported by CRI.