Leadership Team

The same energy and entrepreneurial spirit that drove Captive Resources’ founders three decades ago remain active throughout the company today. As a result, Captive Resources has earned business owners’ trust — large and small and everywhere in between — across the United States. The organization is led by one of the finest, most experienced teams in the captive insurance industry.

Captive Resources, LLC

Nicholas Hentges*

Chief Executive Officer
Nicholas J. Hentges MBA CIC — Co-CEO

Nick Hentges is responsible for the overall representation of Captive Resources to its captive clients and shares responsibility for its core Business Units (P&C Group Captives and Health Solutions), essential corporate functions (e.g., Finance, Legal, Human Resources, Information Technology), the Captive Investors Fund, as well as the company’s wholly-owned subsidiaries (Kensington Management Group, Ltd. and Edgewater Actuarial Insights, LLC), and overall corporate strategy. Nick sits on the Board of Directors of the Captive Investors Fund.

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Mike Foley*

Co-Chief Executive Officer and President
Mike Foley — President

Mike Foley is responsible for the overall representation of Captive Resources to its captive clients and shares responsibility for its core Business Units (P&C Group Captives and Health Solutions), essential corporate functions (e.g., Finance, Legal, Human Resources, Information Technology), the Captive Investors Fund, as well as the company’s wholly-owned subsidiaries (Kensington Management Group, Ltd. and Edgewater Actuarial Insights, LLC), and overall corporate strategy.

Donna Dreuth*

Group Chief Financial Officer, and Chief Administrative Officer
Donna Dreuth CPA — Chief Financial Officer

Donna Dreuth is responsible for all aspects of Corporate Finance, Accounting, Treasury, Tax, and Financial Planning. As CAO, she is also responsible for managing Human Resources, Information Technology, Legal, Captive Finance, Captive Travel, Administration and Buildings, as well as the Captive Investors Fund. Donna sits on the Board of Directors of the Captive Investors Fund.

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John Pontin*

Chief Growth Officer
John Pontin — Chief Marketing Officer

John Pontin is responsible for all aspects of growing group captive solutions for both P&C and Health Solutions. His responsibilities include all P&C and Medical Stop Loss (MSL) Captive Executives and Business Development Executives on any topics related to growth, and Marketing. John is also responsible for all broker relationships across both P&C and MSL.

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JP Boulus*

President P&C

JP Boulus is responsible for all aspects of growing and managing group captive solutions for P&C risks. His responsibilities include all P&C Captive Executives and Business Development Executives, as well as P&C Underwriting, P&C Risk Management Services (risk control and claims management professionals and third-party service providers), P&C Operations / Program Management, and Broker Re.

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Steve Gransbury

President, Health Solutions
Steve Gransbury, President, Health Solutions

Steve Gransbury is responsible for all aspects of growing and managing group captive solutions for Health risks. His responsibilities include all MSL Captive Executives and MSL Business Development Executives, MSL Underwriting, MSL Operations / Program Management, Health Solutions Vendor Services, and Health Risk Management and Wellness.

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*Captive Resources Executive Committee.

Edgewater Actuarial Insights, LLC

Bob Effinger

Bob Effinger, President - Edgewater Actuarial Insights, LLC

Bob Effinger leads an independent actuarial and management consulting firm created to service the specialized actuarial needs of the captive insurance industry. Bob has expertise in strategic and financial analytics, reinsurance, pricing, reserving, data visualization, management reporting, and data management. Edgewater plays a crucial role in helping captives and their owners to measure, quantify, and manage risk. 

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Kensington Management Group, Ltd.

Erin Brosnihan


Erin Brosnihan leads a full-service captive management firm with a diverse portfolio of single-parent and member-owned group captives. She is responsible for client services and professional staff training / development and is integral to quality and procedural enhancements. Erin is also a Past Chairperson of the Insurance Managers Association of Cayman (IMAC) and currently represents Kensington on IMAC’s Executive Committee.

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