
Karl von Heimburg — the successful entrepreneur and business executive who co-founded Captive Resources (CRI) — passed away peacefully surrounded by family on May 11, 2021. 

In the 1980s, Karl was a manufacturing industry executive looking for a better solution to conventional insurance programs. He teamed up with his insurance broker at the time, George Rusu, to form one of the first group captive insurance companies. With that, Karl and George planted the seeds for the business that would grow to become CRI and a friendship that would last a lifetime. 

"He helped create a culture of camaraderie and teamwork that remains the soul of our company to this day," said Rusu, who remains CRI’s CEO. "We would simply not be the company we are today had there not been a Karl to help show us the way."

A personal touch was something that Karl brought to much more than CRI. Karl will be remembered as an excellent listener and cultivator of talent who "played a key role in developing many careers."

"In the end, his genius was guiding and mentoring others so they excelled and believed in themselves and the beauty of their dreams."

Click here to read more about Karl and the many lives he touched. 

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