
[Infographic] Is Your Company a Good Fit for Group Captive Insurance?

April 22nd, 2022

Joining a group captive has some pretty remarkable benefits for companies — like enhanced control over your insurance program, the ability to reduce your premium costs, and the opportunity to earn dividends for better-than-expected performance, just to name a few. The model works well for many different organizations, and we’ve learned over the past four decades of working with thousands of group captive members, that they tend to share some common characteristics and a similar mindset or approach to their businesses.  

At Captive Resources, we currently work with more than 6,250 companies and 45 group captives. With that experience, we’ve developed a deep understanding of the types of companies that find success in a group captive. Recently, we distilled that understanding into our latest infographic, which provides an overview of commonalities across group captive member-companies.  

Fill out the form below to access your free copy of the infographic today.

This post was updated in November 2023 with up-to-date information.

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